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Bike Safety at School

Safety and Security

Challenger is a very special school.  Unlike many of the other schools in our district, the majority of our students live close enough to walk or ride their bikes to school.  Even when it’s raining, we have several students who ride their bikes.  Walking or riding a bike to and from school provides an opportunity for students to get some exercise, socialize and develop friendships, become more independent, take on responsibility for getting to school on their own and practice safety rules. 

Being able to ride a bike to school each day is a lot of fun!  But there are rules that must be followed when riding a bike to school. These rules help keep all students safe.  Bicycle accidents can be very serious, and it's important to take precautions to ensure safety while riding.  Wearing a bicycle helmet is required by law for all children who ride bicycles or scooters to Challenger. This helps protect them from head injuries in case of an accident.  Students must walk their bikes on campus and cannot start riding until they reach Klahanie Blvd.  Since we have so many people on foot in the area, this helps to prevent accidents during arrival and dismissal.  Students must also stay on the sidewalk at all times.  They should never ride their bikes in the driveways/parking lots during these times.

We know how much fun our students have riding their bikes to school and appreciate your help enforcing these safety rules.