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By law, the State of Washington requires each school to closely monitor student attendance. All absences will be considered "unexcused" unless we receive notification from you via telephone to the attendance line at 425-837-7550, or email at, or by written notification as to the reason for the absence.

Absences are only considered excused for the following reasons: illness/health, family emergencies, religious observances, family trips and events, and school-approved activities. Absences due to family trips may only be excused when prior approval is given by the principal.

To gain approval for a trip, please complete a pre-arranged absence request form and return it to the office prior to your child's absence.

District Policy on Absences

State law requires our school to closely monitor student absences and their potential impact to the academic progress of students. At times the school may call to ensure strong school support for students and their families.

To help us please consider the following: 

After sending a request, you will be notified if it is not approved. There will be no correspondence for approved absences.

Why are these rules necessary?

  1. Student Safety: Careful and consistent tracking and recording of student whereabouts is in the best interest of students, families, and schools.
  2. Federal Requirements: The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), also commonly called No Child Left Behind, requires school districts to track and record student data in an easily retrievable database. Schools in Washington State are using a new system called Core Student Records to comply with federal requirements. Please help your school’s secretaries by notifying them right away when you know your child will not be attending school. Please contact the school office if you have any questions regarding attendance procedures.

We appreciate your help in developing good attendance habits for your child, as regular attendance is vital to their academic success!

My Child is Absent Today

You may report that your child is absent by one of the following ways:

  1. Call the attendance line at
  2. Email the attendance office.

In your communication, please be sure to include:

  • Name of student: first and last name
  • Date(s) of absence
  • Student's teacher
  • Reason for absence

Extended Absences

3 or more days